2017年我放棄了傳統的「食物金字塔」、或者說是選擇了「倒轉食物金字塔」的進食比例:將碳水化合物、精製和加工食品大量剔除在外、糖尿病和其他健康指數開始大大改善、由每日九粒藥(開始注射胰島素) 轉變成每日一粒藥和基本注射。這些喜悅和心情、病友最容易共嗚、真係瞓著都會笑。這是本品牌的堅持、希望「病少一個得一個」便是動力來源。
LCP Brand story
I believe, if I had eaten the right food 25 years ago, I might get rid of diabetes.
I gave up the "food pyramid" in 2017; or say I did upside down the food pyramid ratio - diminish most carbohydrates, re-fined carbs and processed food. Then my diabetes has been significantly improved (from 9 tablets/day plus starting to insulin injection down to 1 tablet/day plus basic insulin injection) with other healthy indexes.
I think this kind of happiness, should be easily resonated with other patients. We can walk on the same path.
"One less patient" is our brand vision.